I looked at Trump’s chart from a Western Tropical perspective in my previous interpretation. Since then, I have switched to Vedic Sidereal. So, this is a redo of his natal chart.
Simha “Leo”
Movement: Fixed
Element: Fire
Lord: Sun
Moolatrikona (Office Sign): Sun
Aditya (Solar Deity): Indra (King of the gods)
Caste: Kshatriya (Kings and Warriors)
Location: Forests
Strongest Day or Night: Day
Direction: East
Primary Aim: Dharma (Religion)
Guna: Tamas (Struggle)
Association: 5th House (Child, Speculation, Knowledge, Creativity, Romance, Mantra, Scripture, Past Life Credit)
Color: Cream or Off-White
Body Part: Upper Stomach, Liver
Length: Long
Donald Trump has a Leo Ascendant. Leo Ascendants are courageous, strong, purposeful, and sure of themselves. They are dominating, creative, inspiring, and leaders. On the positive side, they can shine a light on others. They make great team leaders, giving strength and courage to others. Usually, they value righteous behavior and morality. However, if the Sun is weak, they can seek much attention and suck the life out of others.
Magha “The Mighty”, “The Magnificent”, or “The Great One”
Title: The Star of Power
Symbol: Royal Throne Room or Palanquin
Planetary Lord: Ketu
Ruling Deity: Pitris (Forefathers)
Animal: Male Rat
Bird: Eagle
Tree: Banyan Tree
Color: Ivory or Cream
Primary Aim: Artha (Prosperity)
Caste: Shudra (Worker)
Element: Apah (Water)
Trimurthi: Brahma (To Create)
Nature: Ugra (Fierce)
Shakti: Power to Leave the Body
Basis Above: Mourning
Basis Below: Leaving the Body
Desire: To Flourish in the World of the Ancestors
Result of the Shakti, Basis, and Desire: Death
Padas: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer
Specifically, his Ascendant is in Magha (0°00'- 13°20 Sidereal Leo). This shows he has confidence and authority. Trump feels he is born to lead and be at the forefront. It comes from past life experiences and connections with ancestors. It can indicate an obsessive interest in family history. He wants to feel connected with his ancestors and honor them. Trump is charismatic and wants others’ approval. He can go through a crisis if he loses everyone’s approval. Often, Magha people end up as CEOs, leaders, managers, entrepreneurs, business owners, or politicians. He can have difficulty with authority and doesn’t like listening to advice. Trump could have conflict or loss with the father. The father could also have conflicts of his own. Yet, he’s strongly connected to his father’s line. When he focuses on something, they will get it. He has a strong desire for money and material success. Yet, it doesn’t make him truly happy. Trump had a talent in the past life and needs to pick it up again to be satisfied. He wants others to see this talent. In business, he can be organized and systematic. He is exclusive about connections. Trump likes who he likes and looks down on others. He has high standards and is very critical of others. It might even make him snobbish and judgmental of people of a lower class. He can feel like others compete with him or are jealous of him. This perceived competition and jealousy might not be as real as he thinks. Yet, he can be ruthless in competition. Morality doesn’t matter as much as destroying the competitor does. He has a strong but vulnerable ego. Trump doesn’t like being vulnerable in front of others. It might even make him distant or controlling in relationships. He will leave a connection if he senses any disloyalty. The remedy is to let go of relationships that aren’t good for him, but there’s a tendency to become clingy out of fear. Trump’s family might see him as a leader and look to him for security. He attracts admirers and enemies with his charisma. People don’t fully understand him. He can have an issue with anger or seeing his partner as a competitor.
Vrishabha “Taurus”
Movement: Fixed
Element: Earth
Lord: Venus and Moon
Moolatrikona (Office Sign): Moon
Exaltation: Moon
Aditya (Solar Deity): Aryaman (King of the Ancestors)
Caste: Brahman (The Wise)
Location: Villages
Strongest Day or Night: Night
Direction: South
Primary Aim: Artha (Prosperity)
Guna: Tamas (Struggle)
Association: 2nd House (Childhood, Nourishment, Values, Food, Wealth, Possessions, Accumulated Knowledge, Speech, Face, Self Worth)
Color: White
Body Part: Face, Throat, Right Eye
Length: Short
The Sun rules Leo. We need to see the position of the Sun to know more about his Ascendant. Trump’s Sun is in Taurus in the 10th House. The Sun has directional strength in the 10th House. This can indicate having a good career path late in life. They can have one path early on and change directions at an older age. Taurus is a sign of wealth, material success, and stability. It can indicate that Trump wants a stable career. He wants to make an impact, do something big, and get noticed. It can indicate being in a leadership position. He gets pleasure from having authority over others. Trump doesn’t like being told what to do and might struggle to work beneath someone. It would be better to slowly climb to a higher position.
His 1st lord (Sun) is in the 10th house. The 1st lord in the 10th house shows having a great love for work. Work is Trump’s whole focus and purpose. He has blessings from his father and father’s line. This can indicate the ability to gain honor, power, leadership, and the favor of people in power. It can give success and prominence. However, slacking off and taking the career for granted will result in a sudden loss of career. Sometimes, the 1st lord in the 10th house can show fame after death. It’s a good position for self-earned wealth from putting forth continual effort. It’s also necessary to be honest and ethical in business dealings. If not, there will be karmic consequences and a fall from grace. Trump can get support from the government and superiors. He can have difficulty in his relationship with his mother. It can indicate a lack of emotional connection or a difference of opinions. Sometimes, it can also show the inheritance of property or gain through property dealings.
Mrigashira “Benevolent” or “The Deer’s Head”
Title: The Star of Searching
Symbol: Deer’s Head
Planetary Lord: Mars
Ruling Deity: Soma (Divine Nectar)
Animal: Female Serpent
Bird: Hen
Tree: Cutch Tree
Color: Silver
Primary Aim: Moksha (Liberation)
Caste: Farmer/Servant
Element: Prithvi (Earth)
Trimurthi: Vishnu (To Preserve)
Nature: Mridu (Soft)
Shakti: Power to Give Fulfillment and Joy
Basis Above: To Extend
Basis Below: To Weave or Produce Clothing
Desire: To Gain Lordship Over Plants
Result of the Shakti, Basis, and Desire: Make the World Enjoyable
Padas: Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio
Specifically, Trump’s Sun is in Mrigashira (23°20' Sidereal Taurus- 6°40' Sidereal Gemini). This shows he is magnetic, elusive, restless, shy, defensive, sought after, and always on the go. He is always seeking something. Once he finds something, he continues seeking something else. It’s never enough. It’s not about getting something, but he enjoys the thrill of the chase. This can make him a collector of rare objects or knowledge. Trump has courage and persistence. Sometimes, he can have a short temper. He can be indecisive. Yet, once he’s made up his mind, he will pursue what he wants completely. Trump likes to have fun. He has a strong sexual desire and material pleasure. Yet, it doesn’t fully satisfy. Relationships can get disturbed. Sometimes, he might see life as a fairytale or a dream. It’s as if he wants something but can’t clearly define what that something is. He’s curious and intellectual. Trump always wants to know more and uncover missing information. It’s good for education or research. However, it can lead to overthinking and no peace of mind. He could be charming and sociable. Trump is sensitive and diplomatic when relating with others. Despite being social, he is also secretive and has a hard time revealing himself to others. Trump can hide his motivations and lack trust in others. It can cause issues in relationships. Having some space remedies the problem. He might have unusual, foreign, or forbidden relationships. Sometimes, Mrigashira can give doughy eyes and an innocent charming appearance. It’s mostly true in the Ascendant or Moon. Trump enjoys fighting, politically or socially. He might have difficulty on his spiritual path. Yet, it’s his true purpose to find enlightenment.
However, his Sun is also afflicted by Rahu. Because the Sun and Rahu are so opposite, it can indicate that Donald has a split in his personality. Sun conjunct Rahu creates a Pitri Dosh, indicating karma on the father’s side of the family. Donald Trump was also born close to a lunar eclipse. We can see this because he has the Moon conjunct Ketu in the opposite house. It shows a strong destiny full of extreme ups and downs. Trump can go from the highs and lows and back again. Rahu’s ambition and material illusion give him a big push for success, prominence, and impact in the world. It can even show an obsession with success. He has an increased ego. However, this ego is an illusion because it is concealing the truth. Under the illusion of ego is a deep fear and insecurity of never getting noticed or being heard by others. Trump wants to push himself to be noticed and to stand out in the crowd. People might have a hard time trusting him because of this need to get the spotlight. It can come across as if there’s something inauthentic about his personality. At the same time, he might be completely unaware that he’s doing this. People can sense that the image he gives off isn’t his true identity. It can lead to getting bad press. It can also lead to cheating and nefarious behavior. Often, people with Sun conjunct Rahu get in trouble with the law. Trump is a rebel. He is rebelling against authority, the righteous path, the law, teachers, and the father. It can indicate not wanting to listen to advice. He always wants to be the boss and go his own way. Trump might have conflict or distance with his father. It can indicate having a difference of opinion. The father could also have issues of his own to deal with. This can be remedied by being humble and supporting the father. Trump has great focus when he decides he wants something. He will stop at nothing to achieve success. This drive usually gives Sun Rahu people fame, wealth, and the pleasures of the world.
Trump has this combination in Taurus. Rahu is happy in Taurus, but the Sun is not. This makes Rahu stronger. This makes him ambitious and he gets what he wants in the material world. The dark side of this conjunction is greed and manipulation. With this conjunction in the 10th House, he’s ambitious and independent. Trump could end up in politics or a government position. However, his desire to do this his way might lead to clashes with authority. It’s mostly a better position for self-employment.
Rahu is said to rule Virgo and Aquarius. So, Rahu is his Maraka planet (2nd and 7th lord). The 2nd lord in the 10th house can show being honorable and getting an honorable reputation. Keeping his word can make him respected in his career. Trump needs a career where he can use his talent in speaking to the public. His family helped him in his career through education, inheritance, or a loan. Education will help him get profit. Donald doesn’t look at people clearly to see if they are good or bad. Keeping bad company can damage his whole career, reputation, and wealth-making capacity. He can suffer big losses from gambling and speculation. Working hard will bring him profit. Slacking off, taking shortcuts, or being an antagonist to authority figures can lead to a loss of job. Giving unnecessary amounts of money to his children might cause conflict with them.
The 7th lord (Rahu) is in the 10th house. It shows that Trump seeks a partner who has aspirations and has the potential for high status. If he works on his relationship, it will survive. His partner can support him in his career and vice versa. It could indicate working in the same job or meeting each other at work. Having the careers so closely linked might cause conflict in the relationship. There’s a need to avoid meddling in each other’s careers. The more space for independence at work, the better the relationship will be. Trump needs to put 100% effort into his marriage. He wants a beautiful home, all the luxuries, and beautiful vehicles. It can show that he’s deeply attached to his early environment and country of origin. Love affairs from him or his partner can disturb his marriage. His children can get great success, but they might not want to listen to Trump. He can also disagree with his partner on how to raise children. Compromise is needed to make it work.
Donald has Mars in the 1st house. This makes him an extrovert, dominating, and aggressive. He’s focused on the external world. Trump is focused on meeting things head-on. He can come across as impressive at the first meeting. Others might sense his intense energy. He might walk with his head leaning forward and push ahead impatiently. Trump likes getting noticed. It can indicate wanting to right the wrongs of society. He argues with force and conviction. Sometimes, impulsive behavior might get him into accidents. It’s unlikely that he can relax. Trump’s mind is very active and he’s always on high alert. He’s ready to fight. Donald can gain large homes or profit from property. He likes to control his home situation. That might make him difficult to live with at times. He might have a conflict with his mother, but he also feels deeply attached to her culture. Trump is likely to get into conflicts in relationships. Mars in the 1st house creates a Manglik Dosh. This leads to difficulty in making compromises. It requires having a special partner who understands and he needs to release control. Difficulty with compromises can also extend to doing business. It’s a better placement for working independently. He goes through many ups and downs in finances. This can include business or marriage. Trump could have conflict or separation with family. He can fight and come back from difficult situations.
Trump has his Mars in Leo. Mars in Leo shows a strong will, confidence, and self-belief. He can uniquely complete tasks. Trump is unafraid and willingly puts himself in the spotlight. He likes to get attention. It’s a great position for an actor. He’s chivalrous and romantic. Sometimes, it indicates a generous, charitable, and helpful nature. He’s focused on goals of his own. Obstacles can make him impatient and he can lose his cool.
Mars is his 4th and 9th lord. The 4th lord in the 1st house shows having a good education. He received blessings from his mother. He can be charitable and can bring others into his home. Trump is sociable. He might like learning about health and alternative remedies. His medical cabinet might be fully stocked. Trump strongly identifies with his country of origin. He can live abroad at times, but will always feel intensely connected to his culture and country. It can show that he wants to own property. He can go from the bottom to the top when it comes to gaining wealth through property.
The 9th lord (Mars) is in the 1st house. Mars as the 9th lord indicates that Trump’s higher purpose is to bring about social welfare. Helping others will increase his good fortune. The 9th lord in the 1st house can show receiving favor from superiors and government. He can get fame because of past life actions. Trump can get education, prosperity, and good fortune. He might have personal or business connections with foreigners. Prayer and spirituality give a good partner and happiness in marriage. He can have a good relationship with his children and father. Although, someone in the family can cause obstacles in gaining success or wealth. Sometimes, there are conflicts over inheritance. Trump can go through ups and downs in fortune, but it still results in good fortune. He needs to be kind in communication and ethical in his career. His siblings can test him. After trying to slack off or take shortcuts, he will immediately lose his good fortune.
Vrischika “Scorpio”
Movement: Fixed
Element: Water
Lord: Mars and Ketu
Debilitation: Moon
Aditya (Solar Deity): Parjanya (god of Rain)
Caste: Brahman (The Wise)
Location: Land, Water, and Holes
Strongest Day or Night: Day
Direction: North
Primary Aim: Moksha (Liberation)
Guna: Tamas (Struggle)
Association: 8th House (Sudden Change, Rejuvenation, Surgery, Inheritance, Joint Finances, Investments, Poisons, Weapons, Mining, Occult Knowledge, Research, Sex, Death, Fear, Scandal, Humiliation, Business Partnership, Psychic Abilities, Paranormal Activity, Spirituality, Exploration)
Color: Golden
Body Part: Anus, Private Parts
Length: Long
Donald has his Moon in Scorpio. The Moon is debilitated in Scorpio. He knows how to put his emotions to the side. Trump has the strength and courage to overcome difficult situations. It indicates having the mind of a survivor no matter the circumstance. He can transform his life from the bottom to the top and back to the bottom. His mother might be intense, secretive, and demanding. She might’ve had to go through difficult situations in her life. This could’ve made her very loving or as cold as ice. Scorpio shows extremes in the relationship with the mother. The mother could also have an interest in astrology or occult subjects. This could lead Trump to take an interest in these subjects as well. He’s daring and can suddenly push forward in a new direction. Trump’s not afraid to be ruthless when needed. He might feel driven by forces and not know why he takes certain actions. When he feels he needs something or someone, he will do anything to get it. It can make him obsessive. He can see what others miss and has secret plans. He might have a hard showing vulnerability or trusting anyone. Yet, he can be extremely loyal when he does open. When he feels betrayed, he becomes cold and detached. The Moon in Scorpio might also make him susceptible to childhood diseases, blood issues, iron deficiency, urinary troubles, or sexual diseases. Trump feels insecure about not belonging due to his relationship with his mother. There’s a need for him to accept himself instead of needing it from others. He can attract a partner who’s reliable and supportive. Trump feels he needs to be dominant and hold prominence in his career. It makes him very ambitious. It can indicate success in acting or business.
His 12th lord (Moon) is in the 4th house. This shows loss or conflict in the early home environment. The mother can have issues or the relationship with the mother can get disturbed. Maternal relatives can be unavailable or less helpful. Trump can experience losses through property dealings. He could’ve felt lost in trying to find a career path. It can indicate continually trying and leaving various careers. He had to sacrifice what he wanted to find the true path. Often, the 12th lord in the 4th house indicates finding the career path late in life. The path will involve serving others. Trump has karmic debt to his family. He has to sacrifice a lot and make a home for them. He lacks confidence and belief in himself. This feeling improves with time.
Jyeshta “Elder Sister”, “The Chief”, or “Senior Most”
Title: The Elder Star
Symbol: Circular Talisman, Umbrella, or Ear Ring
Planetary Lord: Mercury
Ruling Deity: Indra (King of the gods)
Animal: Male Deer
Bird: Brahmani Duck
Tree: Red Silk Cotton Tree
Color: Yellow
Primary Aim: Artha (Prosperity)
Caste: Farmer/Server
Element: Vayu (Air)
Trimurthi: Shiva (To Dissolve)
Nature: Tikshna (Sharp/Dreadful)
Shakti: Power to Rise Above Perils and Conquer the Subconscious or Power to Rise, Overcome, Conquer, and Gain Courage in Battle
Basis Above: To Attack
Basis Below: To Defend
Desire: To Gain Supremacy Among the Gods
Result of the Shakti, Basis, and Desire: One Becomes Hero
Padas: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Specifically, his Moon is in Jyeshta (16°40'- 30°00' Sidereal Scorpio). This shows he’s focused on keeping up an image in society. Trump wants to be careful about how others perceive him. He wants to gain fame, respect, and recognition. Jyeshta people tend to mature quickly on a physical and mental level. They are serious and focused on achievement from an early age. Trump has penetrating eyes and a serious look on his face. He can be very honest and critical of others. It can indicate having the ability to self-reflect. He can harshly judge his shortcomings and the shortcomings of others. Often, Jyeshta people want to improve on their flaws. Trump can exaggerate unnecessary whining or weeping for something they don’t have. Yet, he can get what he wants after exaggerating. He can be vindictive and seek revenge. If someone bothers him or ruins his image, he will not leave them alone. Trump will keep bullying those who cross him. He’s not physically aggressive but will harass and play psychological games. Despite their vindictive nature, Jyeshta people tend to have a good heart deep down. It can indicate a desire to protect the underdog and help the underprivileged. Trump is self-centered because he is obsessed with his image. Yet, this desire for fame can give a desire to be responsible. It can lead to gaining fame and a good reputation.
Because Donald was born with the Moon in Jyeshta, he was born in a Mercury Mahadasha in the Vimshottari Dasha system. At the time that Trump ran for the presidency, he was in a Rahu Mahadasha. Rahu Mahadasha tends to be a time of extremes. It will either bring extreme gain or extreme loss depending on how it is placed in the chart. There’s no middle ground. Many people in a Rahu Dasha feel like their life is a rollercoaster ride. Rahu rules the material world and is a clever planet. So, it can give the power to achieve anything a person desires. Sometimes, they can even feel tempted to take unethical actions to get what they want. We refer to Rahu as Maya (the smoke or illusion of this material world). This is because Rahu fulfills our greatest hopes and wishes. It all looks glamorous. Yet, we are soon to feel empty or to experience a fall from grace. Once the illusion falls away, we are often hit with the reality that our material desires are not all they seem to be. Rahu’s job is to wake us up to the deeper truth by taking us further into our illusions. It’s a great trick of this reality. Trump has Rahu well placed in Taurus, a materially driven sign. So, he was bound to gain success in the material world. He also has it in the 10th house of career with the Sun. He wanted to be the president and that’s what Rahu gave him. In particular, Trump won in the last Antardasha (sub-period) of his Rahu Mahadasha. Rahu-Mars ends Rahu Mahadasha with the courage to do what we’ve put off for some time. Mars rules his 10th house and is placed in the 1st house. It’s a brilliant placement for getting fame and achievement.
When the Rahu Mahadasha ends, we move into the Jupiter Mahadasha. Where Rahu is the illusion, Jupiter is the light that guides us. So, entering the Jupiter Mahadasha often jarring. We start to wake up and see things more clearly. What we thought we were seeing in the Rahu Mahadasha turns out to be dust instead of gold. Sometimes, people get in trouble with the law or even go to prison in the Rahu Mahadasha. Then, they turn their life around in the Jupiter Mahadasha. The temptations of Rahu fade away. Although, Rahu is easier to navigate for a spiritually evolved person. They will have more inner strength and guidance to avoid the pitfalls of Rahu. Rahu makes the mind restless and puts the focus on the outside world. The key is to quiet the monkey mind and focus on the internal experience.
At the surface, Jupiter is well placed in Donald’s chart. It’s in the 2nd house of wealth. The 2nd lord (Mercury) is also in the 11th house of gain and Gemini (a sign of its own). It’s also in Chitra (Virgo). Chitra is a Nakshatra that’s good for wealth. This indicates gaining great wealth and success in business. Primary, it shows support from family and network circles. However, the Antardashas get more specific about what’s happening in his chart.
Although, his Moon is conjunct Ketu. The Moon conjunct Ketu shows a restriction or altering of emotions. Sometimes he can become detached from emotion or overwhelmed by it. He might have some anxiety or even more serious mental health issues. Moon and Ketu open the mind to the astral plane. Trump is spaced out. He can feel like he’s looking down on himself as if he’s detached from the physical. His mind is restless and unfocused. At the same time, he can focus intensely when he’s interested in a subject. It can indicate having research skills. He can come across as moody or difficult to understand. His emotions might get suppressed suddenly and come out suddenly at other times. It has to do with emotions experienced in the past life or through ancestors. He carries ancestral trauma. It can also indicate loss or separation from the mother. Sometimes the mother is clingy or had difficulty during childhood. The relationship with the mother can go to extremes. Trump might feel deeply attached to the mother or other motherly figures. They can be helpful but the connection can suddenly end. He might’ve been isolated at a younger age. It can indicate having an imaginary friend, a vivid imagination, and playing alone. This imagination can be good for acting, writing, or artistry. It can lead to fame. Sometimes, Moon and Ketu make a person a spiritual leader, mentor, or counselor. Experience from the past can lead to having empathy for others.
Trump has the Moon conjunct Ketu in Scorpio. Moon conjunct Ketu in Scorpio can show an interest in occult knowledge and all sorts of mysteries. Sometimes, it indicates having psychic abilities. However, it can lead to difficulty in managing aspects of everyday life. Trump can struggle with jealousy and possessiveness. Yet, it’s likely to go away by the end of his life. It can sometimes show a talent for spiritual wisdom or artistry.
Donald has this conjunction in his 4th house. It shows a strong bond with the mother whether she’s around or not. He values family strongly. Despite wanting to build family stability, Trump might become distant at times. He might have problems with women or other family members. It can indicate having many changes in residence.
Ketu rules Scorpio and Pisces. So, his 4th and 8th lords are in his 4th house. The 4th lord in the 4th house shows the gain of prosperity, property, vehicles, and luxuries. Trump can get good support from his partner. He gets fame, honor, and recognition in his country. It can indicate having a strong bond with the mother. He can make a lot of money through property dealings. The home is special to him. It can be a happy and prosperous environment. Trump’s spouse, health, and reputation are protected no matter how threatened they are.
The 8th lord (Ketu) is in the 4th House. Ketu as the 8th lord shows that Trump needs to be independent. He needs to take a path of his own instead of following the crowd. Meditation, spiritual practice, and exploring deeper truths are helpful for his purpose. He also needs to avoid anger and impulsivity. It can lead to making mistakes. The 8th lord in the 4th house shows a conflict or lack of emotional attachment with a parent in the early environment. Sometimes, it can show loss or separation from the mother. If the mother isn’t distant, she can be dominating and controlling. Trump could’ve respected the mother’s power but might’ve had a difficult time connecting with her. His home could be eccentric. It could be a communal living situation or part of the home could be rented out. It indicates strangers coming in and out of the home. Disruption in the early environment could’ve given him lifelong trust issues. Trump has a karmic duty to care for his family. He could suffer from digestive issues. His partner supports him. He isn’t always satisfied or feels as though things aren’t perfect enough. Trump can do something that destroys his reputation. He must remain ethical at all times. His success could be delayed due to having trouble finding the right career path. He can struggle with spirituality or trusting spiritual teachers due to doubts. Trump can go through many changes in residence before finding a place that feels like home. He needs to give 100% to his partner for marriage to work.
Donald has Saturn conjunct Venus. Saturn conjunct Venus shows a lack of confidence. It can indicate heartbreak or a relationship that can’t work. This disappointment can affect how the individual feels about themselves. Trump can be self-critical. He would have struggled to express emotions and love. It improves with time. Often, a person with Saturn conjunct Venus has more than one serious relationship. A partner can fall ill or pass away. Eventually, there’s a stable relationship. It just takes time. Sometimes, it indicates late childbirth. Trump can gain financial security. That would be more true at an older age. He might like traditional art or collecting antiques. Trump can enjoy old books or things that remind him of the past. He has a karmic responsibility to be dutiful in relationships. He might’ve felt this need for responsibility from a young age. It can indicate having a more reserved nature. That can mean being less sociable and more focused on gaining stability.
Karkata “Cancer”
Movement: Moveable
Element: Water
Lord: Moon
Exaltation: Jupiter
Debilitation: Mars
Aditya (Solar Deity): Varuna (god of the Cosmic Ocean)
Caste: Shudra (Workers)
Location: Forests
Strongest Day or Night: Night
Direction: North
Primary Aim: Moksha (Liberation)
Guna: Rajas (Passion)
Association: 4th House (Mother, Property, Vehicles, Luxuries, Home Country, Psyche, Peace, Private Life, Womb, Grave)
Color: Pink or Light Red
Body Part: Chest, Heart, Breasts, Lungs
Length: Even
Saturn conjunct Venus is in Cancer in the 12th House. Saturn conjunct Venus in Cancer shows deep emotions that can’t be expressed. It can indicate having a creative talent that needs to be expressed. Trump can struggle with insecurity and possessiveness. There’s a need to be less clingy and more open in relationships. In the 12th house, it shows a need to watch financial dealings. Sometimes, he could suffer from out-of-control expenses. He might experience strong infatuations for others. Trump is attracted to people from foreign lands or different cultural backgrounds. He needs a partner with a similar spiritual belief to himself. This can also indicate that he’s secretive about his feelings. He needs to get to know people before trusting them fully. Sometimes, it makes long-distance relationships easier.
Punarvasu “Two Chariots”, “Wealthy Again”, or “Return of the Light”
Title: The Star of Renewal
Symbol: Bow and Quiver of Arrows or Home
Planetary Lord: Jupiter
Ruling Deity: Aditi (Goddess of Infinite Space)
Animal: Female Cat
Bird: Swan
Tree: Bamboo
Color: Silver
Primary Aim: Artha (Prosperity)
Caste: Vaishya (Merchant)
Element: Apah (Water)
Trimurthi: Brahma (To Create)
Nature: Chara (Changeable/Moveable)
Shakti: Power to Gain Objectives or Gain Wealth and Substance
Basis Above: Wind
Basis Below: Rain
Desire: To Produce Herbs and Tree
Result of the Shakti, Basis, and Desire: Revitalisation of Plants
Padas: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer
Specifically, he has Saturn conjunct Venus in Punarvasu (20°00' Sidereal Gemini- 3°20' Sidereal Cancer). Punarvasu is about things that repeat. Venus is an indication of relationships and the spouse in a male’s chart. Saturn is also the lord of Trump’s 6th house of divorce and 7th house of spouse. Venus rules his 3rd house of sexual desire. Trump has gone through several divorces. So, it shows a pattern of repeated marriages. Saturn also rules the 6th house of subordinates and the 7th house of business. Venus rules the 3rd house of skill and the 10th house of career. They are also indicators of his career for him. Trump has had many businesses that went bankrupt. So, he had to start again, emphasizing the repeating pattern of Punarvasu.
Mithuna “Gemini”
Movement: Dual
Element: Air
Lord: Mercury
Exaltation: Rahu
Debilitation: Ketu
Aditya (Solar Deity): Mitra (god of Friendship)
Caste: Vaishya (Merchants)
Location: Villages
Strongest Day or Night: Night
Direction: West
Primary Aim: Kama (Pleasure)
Guna: Sattva (Purity)
Association: 3rd House (Courage, Efforts, Friends, Siblings, Neighbors, Interests, Hobbies, Skills, Gossip, Social Media, News, Radio, Television, Sales, Marketing, Mass Communication, Creativity, Competition, Ego Development, Travel, Change, Sexuality, Secrets, Danger)
Color: Parrot Green
Body Part: Arms, Shoulders, Hands, Right Ear
Length: Even
Lastly, Trump has a well-placed Mercury in Gemini in the 11th house. Mercury in Gemini shows good logical decision-making skills. When Trump is stuck, he can get himself out of it. He thinks outside the box and can rise in any profession. Usually, people with Mercury in Gemini are quick to learn and can excel in academics. His speech is calm, charismatic, and precise. He can stand calm in situations. It allows him to inspire and lead in business. This can indicate have a skill in a particular field. Often, people with Mercury in Gemini have skills in language, accounting, or teaching. He’s excited by activities that make him think. Trump can’t work in a boring environment. He’s always curious to meet new people and get involved in new network circles.
Mercury in the 11th house can show skills in business, the stock market, or accounting. It’s a good position for entrepreneurship. Trump can be very organized. He can have various planners, journal entries, and internet connections. On the negative side, it can lead to being all over the place with plans. Trump is a natural at socializing with people from various walks of life. When others challenge his point of view, he likes to argue. He can have information planned out for mental sparing. Mercury in the 11th house can make a person successful through the use of the internet. It’s good for blogging, reporting, or social media influencing. He can gain from multiple sources of income. His income can fluctuate but it increases in the end. Trump can learn subjects quickly but might be on and off with education. He has a great connection with his children. He knows how to entertain and can make a great comedian. Trump might feel attracted to the stock market and speculative gain.