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Diddy Natal Horoscope

Writer's picture: Daquan JonesDaquan Jones

There’s no available time of birth for Diddy. So, I was hesitant to interpret the chart. It’s more accurate to life events when we know the Ascendant. However, we can see his mind and how he perceives his life from the Chandra Lagna (Moon Chart).

On his birthday, the Moon transited 9°05'- 21°20' Sidereal Leo. Because we don’t know the time of birth, we don’t know the degree of the Moon. So, we can’t see the Janma Nakshatra (Birth Star of Moon Nakshatra). It could be Magha (0°00'- 13°20' Leo) or Purva Phalguni (13°20'- 26°40' Leo). However, we still know the Moon is in Leo.

Lord: Surya or Aditya (Sun)

Moolatrikona (Strongest): Surya/Ravi/Aditya (Sun)

Color: Pale Yellow or Off White

Nakshatras: Magha (Padas 1, 2, 3, 4), Purva Phalguni (Padas 1, 2, 3, 4), Uttara Phalguni (Padas 1)

Aditya (Solar Deity): Indra

Body Part: Upper Stomach and Liver

Length: Long

Gender: Male

Primary Aim: Dharma (Righteous Deeds/Religion/Duty)

Direction: East

Tattva (Element): Agni (Fire)

Gana: Tamas (Darkness, Inertia)

Movement: Sthira (Fixed or Immovable)

Strong in Day or Night: Day

Rising: Head Rising

Number of Feet: Quadruped

Caste: Kshatriya (Warrior)

His Moon and Ketu are conjunct in Leo. The Moon in Leo shows he received power, fame, and recognition in his past life. So, he feels emotional satisfaction when he experiences similar things in this life. He gravitates towards the limelight. His mother has a powerful personality. She could’ve been somewhat dominating. He has respect for her. She gave him a feeling of inner confidence. She might’ve given him values centered around respecting authority and following rules. He’s concerned with making the right choices in life. He loves literature and art. He can even have creative talent and love to put it on display. He likes to present himself and his home in a stylish, eye-catching way. This can include having antiques and objects of value. Sometimes, the individual can be the head of an organization. He wants to be someone extraordinary or authoritative. His Moon is afflicted by Mars, Rahu, and Ketu. So, he can go to any lengths to get attention. Others might see him as arrogant. There’s a need to be confident even in the background. He’s optimistic, charming, and sociable. He’s happy at parties and get-togethers. He can make a gracious host. The individual can make a lifelong friend. He’s loyal to those who are loyal to him. However, he can hold grudges if his friendships become disharmonious. He’s courageous and determined. He dares to do the impossible. The individual can attract an older partner or marry later in life. There tend to be delays in finding a partner. The partner can be unusual and can even get him noticed. However, it’s hard for him to drop his idealized image. This can lead to creating a barrier between himself and the partner. He is sociable and easygoing at work. This can make him popular. He’s ambitious for wealth, stability, and security. He can work in the arts and entertainment. Whatever he does, he likes it to be long-lasting. He knows how to organize and present business deals. He can run a whole organization and be a capable leader.

Ketu in Leo shows he was a leader or prominent figure in a past life. He doesn’t like to take orders or listen to authority. He has important karma with his father. The father can play an important role in his destiny. On the other hand, he could’ve experienced separation or arguments with his father. He could’ve rebelled against his father or regretted that he fulfilled his father’s wishes. He struggles with teachers, mentors, and all authority figures. People sense his belief in himself when they meet him. He can be authoritarian, demanding, and self-assured. Even without being bossy, his aura can demand respect from others. People want to listen to him, look up to him, or let him take the lead. Yet, he would rather let others take the lead. He wants to be part of a social movement. This is good for politics. He can be attracted to powerful people but can’t relate to them. In the end, he takes a different path than what was expected of him.

The Moon conjunct Ketu shows his emotional expression is hampered or distorted. He is spaced out and detached from what’s happening around him. He can feel dissociated. It’s as if he’s looking in on events from the outside. It can be hard to focus. Yet, he can go deep into research and study when he finds something that interests him. He can struggle to regulate his emotions. Sometimes, he can become detached from emotions. Other times, he can feel overwhelmed by them. In severe cases, it can lead to anxiety, fears, OCD, bipolar, or schizophrenia. The astral plane is being opened up in his mind. At the very least, he can be moody, elusive, and hard to understand. Mental health issues can even come from carrying ancestral trauma. He could’ve experienced separation or loss of the mother. She could’ve also been ill or clingy. He had a strong need for the mother’s closeness. He can get close to other motherly figures, but it can lead to loss. He could’ve been isolated in early childhood. Yet, he had strong intuition and imagination. So, he could’ve been happy playing on his own. This imagination can be helpful later in life. He can be an actor, artist, writer, etc... On the other hand, the individual might become a spiritual guru, mentor, or counselor. He can have empathy due to his own experiences.

The Moon conjunct Ketu in Leo can give skills in research, insight, education, and the occult. He can even receive rewards for academic achievements. Yet, he can get into arguments. Relationships can suffer from moodiness and a hot temperament.

10. Magha

Astronomical Name: Regulus, the Little King (Alpha Leonis)

Meaning: “The Mighty,” “The Magnificent,” or “The Great One.”

Title: The Star of Power

Symbol: Royal Throne Room, Palanquin, House

Planetary Lord: Ketu

Ruling Deity: Pitris (Forefathers)

Caste: Shudra (Worker)

Primary Motivation: Artha (Material Prosperity)

Shakti: The Power to Leave the Body

Basis Above: Mourning

Basis Below: Leaving the Body

Desire: To Flourish in the World of the Ancestors

Result of the Shakti, Basis, and Desire: Death

Padas: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer

Body Parts: Nose, Lips, Chin

Constitution: Kapha (Earth and Water)

Animal: Male Rat

Nature: Ugra (Fierce/Severe/Cruel)

Gender: Female

Yogic Quality: Tamasic (Darkness/Inertia)

Element: Jala (Water)

Quality: Rakshasha (Demon-like)

Trimurthi: Brahma (To Create)

Activity: Active

Motion: Looking Down/Facing Downwards

Bird: Eagle

Tree: Banyan Tree

Color: Ivory or Cream

Direction: West

If the Moon is in Magha (0°00'- 13°20' Leo), he has confidence and authority. He was born to be a leader. Even if he is shy, he will still feel this. He has a connection to his family heritage. He can become obsessed with his family line. He has charisma and feels special. Yet, the respect of other people is what truly carries him. Deep down, he needs others’ approval. When this approval is lost, he can go through a crisis. He makes all the decisions, and it puts weight on him. However, he wanted the seat of power since his last life. This can mean being a CEO, manager, self-employed businessman, entrepreneur, or politician. He is here to complete what was left unfinished in his last life. He struggles to deal with authority and mentors. He doesn’t listen to advice. There’s a strong connection to the father’s line in the family. However, he could’ve experienced loss or conflict with his father. When he focuses his mind on anything, he can achieve it. He has a strong desire for money, status, and sustenance. Yet, it doesn’t necessarily make him happy. The true wealth is a talent left over from his last life. It’s usually dance, art, music, comedy, or performance. This can include performing as a politician or company director. He can be organized and systematic. He is exclusive. He likes who he likes and can look at others with disdain. This can include having high standards, being critical, or being snobbish. He can attract envy and jealousy. However, it’s usually not as much as he perceives. The individual can even become paranoid and see competition when it doesn’t exist. When he perceives competition, he can become ruthless. Mars and Rahu are aspecting. So, he might not care about ethics or morals. He wants to bring down all competition. He can struggle in intimate relationships because it requires vulnerability. He has a strong ego, but it’s a vulnerable ego that can be easily shattered. This can make him controlling or distant. If he senses any disloyalty, he can’t continue the relationship. He needs to stop being controlling and let go of relationships that don’t work. He is a family leader, and he gains security by honoring his family.

The Moon in Magha shows he’s independent, but he still needs the support of others around him. He can be generous, caring, and nurturing. He can be a guide and teacher. Mars and Rahu are aspecting. So, early childhood could’ve been turbulent or insecure. Family connections are karmic. He needs to let go and not depend on others’ support. Yet, he has a karmic responsibility to give back to his family.

11. Purva Phalguni

Astronomical Name: Zosma (Delta Leonis) and Chetan (Theta Leonis)

Meaning: “The Former Reddish One,” “The Little Fig Tree,” or “The Fruit of the Tree”

Title: The Star of Rest and Relaxation

Symbol: Front Legs of the Daybed, Swinging Hammock, Platform, Fireplace

Planetary Lord: Venus

Ruling Deity: Bhaga (God of Fortune)

Caste: Brahmin (Priest)

Primary Motivation: Kama (Material Pleasure)

Shakti: The Power to Procreate or Union of Polar Opposites

Basis Above: Wife or Female Sexual Partner

Basis Below: Husband or Male Sexual Partner

Desire: To Have the Best Share Amongst the Gods

Result of the Shakti, Basis, and Desire: Creation of the Fetus

Padas: Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio

Body Parts: Lips, Right Hand, Sex Organs

Constitution: Pitta (Fire and Water)

Animal: Female Rat

Nature: Ugra (Fierce/Severe)

Gender: Female

Yogic Quality: Rajasic (Material Passion)

Element: Jala (Water)

Quality: Manushya (Human-like)

Trimurthi: Vishnu (To Maintain)

Activity: Balanced

Motion: Looking Down/Facing Downwards

Bird: Eagle

Tree: Palash, Flame of the Forest

Color: Light Brown

Direction: North

If his Moon is in Purva Phalguni (13°20'- 26°40' Leo), he gets good fortune from past life deeds. He is sensual and enjoys sexuality without inhibitions. He has children or desires to have children. He’s laid back and has a relaxed sense of self. There’s no need to force himself to make an impression. He just naturally does. He is kind, affectionate, sociable, and integrated into society. He’s lucky with wealth and business. There’s always an opening for business dealings. In some cases, the individual can gain inheritance through wealth or the family business. However, even if that’s not the case, he’s never lacking. He is willing to share financial benefits. He’s generous and caring in love. There’s a chance of easily attracting a soul mate or long-lasting love. In some cases, the individual can have an excess in sexuality and many love affairs. Deep down, he depends on others loving him back. He needs to feel part of a loving connection. He’s extremely family-oriented and loves kids. Even extended family matters a great deal to them. He is willing to do everything for his children’s future. He might not see their faults. He can be talented in art, music, or writing. Even if he isn’t talented, he appreciates art and wants to bring into his home. He wants a stylish and cultural home. He can put a lot of effort into getting it perfect. This is because he likes to entertain people in his home. This can mean family and social events. He also likes to go out and be around others. He’s a great host and knows how to make others feel at ease. He has great social skills. This can make him popular. He can excel at film directing and designing. Whatever they do, they will have charisma and presence. Mars and Rahu are aspecting. So, he can become vain and self-absorbed. He has to be careful of excessive spending on socializing, clothes, home decor, etc... They can also have issues with addiction or overindulgence. Sometimes, they can become lazy. They want to appear chill and laid back. This can lead to missed opportunities. On the other hand, they can become hardworking and motivated. This can lead to burnout. They need to seek moderation.

The Moon in Purva Phalguni means having children is important to him. He’s a family person. He likes to give support and nourishment. He could’ve had a happy childhood. However, Venus is in a Paap Kartari Yoga (Scissors Yoga). This means Venus is hampered between two malefics (Sun and Ketu). So, this can cause some disturbance in the childhood. He can be artistic and creative. He can become lazy and miss out on opportunities.

Vedic Name: Tula (Scales)

Lord: Shukra (Venus)

Moolatrikona: Shukra (Venus)

Exaltation: Shani or Shanaischaraya (Saturn)

Debilitation: Surya/Ravi/Aditya (Sun)

Color: Black

Nakshatras: Chitra (Padas 3, 4), Swati (Padas 1, 2, 3, 4), Vishakha (Padas 1, 2, 3)

Aditya (Solar Deity): Pushan

Body Part: Penis, Groin

Length: Long

Gender: Male

Primary Aim: Kama (Material Pleasure)

Direction: West

Tattva (Element): Vayu (Air)

Gana: Rajas (Passion)

Movement: Chara (Cardinal or Movable)

Strong in Day or Night: Day

Rising: Head Rising

Number of Feet: Biped

Caste: Vaishya (Merchant)

The Sun in Libra is Neecha (debilitated). This is where the Sun sets. A sunset is beautiful to look at. In the same way, the Sun in Libra is artistic. Pushan (the shepherd of flocks and herds of animals) is the Aditya (solar deity) of Libra. So, Libra is related to bartering in the marketplace. The king (Sun) is no longer on his throne. He has traveled to the village marketplace. Hence, this is why he is debilitated (lowered from his throne). The Sun in Libra has less of an ego. There’s a desire to socialize with others. He doesn’t like to be alone. It can be difficult to relate to the father. The father can have financial or health issues. In the worst case, the father could be absent, distant, or deceased in early childhood. Libra is 3rd from Leo (the Sun’s home). He can have an important sibling relationship. He has great communication skills. There’s great charm and seduction to get along with people from all walks of life. He can even have skills in written communication (writing, blogging, journalism). There’s an artistic talent. At the least, he can simply have a love of art (theater, art galleries, films). He is attracted to fashion. He dislikes disharmony. It’s difficult to work in a dirty, disorganized, or chaotic environment. he is sensitive to your surroundings. At an early age, there can be a feeling of uncertainty and a lack of self-esteem. Sometimes, it has to do with physical looks. More than that, there can be confusion around his identity or direction in life. He puts a lot of emphasis on others’ opinions or advice. It can make it difficult to listen to himself. At 21 (the Sun’s maturity), there’s a need to make a big decision. There’s a need to listen to his inner voice and do what’s in his heart. He wants to be fair and make good decisions for others. He is always weighing things carefully and is aware of the opposing side. It can make it difficult to come to a decision. This improves with maturity. He can be charming in relationships and easily find partners. People are attracted to him, but there can be difficulty in deciding on a partner. He can attract a self-assured, independent, and decisive partner. He can do well in sales, business partnerships, accounting, writing, journalism, fashion, art, or law. Being in a social work environment can make him happy. The soul's purpose is to bring balance to other people’s lives. Moving too much into pride and ego can lead to conflict.

His Sun and Mercury are 3rd from his Moon. The Sun in the 3rd House gives courage, ambition, and many skills. Sometimes, ego issues can ruin relationships. These natives have a sharp intellect. They are always gaining new skills. Their communication skills are the key to everything in their lives. They can make a great blogger, journalist, presenter, or writer. When they speak, they light up the room. They feel responsible for their siblings or vice versa. They like to support siblings, cousins, and neighbors. They will always rise to a challenge. These natives tend to thrive on challenge. They are ingenious, organized, and systematic. This gets them noticed by others. They can be skilled in digital technology, the arts, or anything that interests them. Whatever skill they take on, they will do it with the highest expertise. They can make good politicians or government workers. They can be highly sexual and egocentric. At times, they could be quite bossy. Yet, there’s a duality to their personality. They seek to live by higher principles. They seek education, wisdom, and knowledge. These natives want to be known for their knowledge. Yet, they should be careful of becoming too proud. Often, they seek a teacher of religion or philosophy. Their purpose is to share the knowledge they have learned. These natives are restless, and foreign lands are usually part of their destiny. They can even go on a pilgrimage.

Mercury in Libra shows he’s had a “team player” attitude in a past life. He loves communicating and getting together with others. He has good diplomatic skills. His speech is balanced, charming, witty, and cultured. He can be a writer, dancer, fashion designer, actor, or filmmaker. He likes to debate to get both sides of the argument. Then, he comes to a reasonable conclusion. He doesn’t like long “drawn-out” time in research or studies. It can make education suffer. He is business-oriented. He can accumulate money through practical skills and enterprise. Creative ideas come to him and help him gain business success. He balances things out regarding wealth. Business decisions can become difficult because he wants to be fair. Working in partnerships can help. He supports his siblings, and they support him. He keeps up with his friends and continuously makes friends.

Mercury in the 3rd House takes light of situations that others take seriously. They are in tune with their inner child. They are always curious to learn new subjects and gain new skills. These natives are fast learners and have a strong memory. They are great at learning new skills (arts, music, crafts, cooking, DIY, digital technology, software). They have good communication skills and can hold an audience. They can make great writers. Mars’ conjunction can get them into many arguments. People notice them because they’re not afraid to speak their minds. They get into a lot of communication with siblings, cousins, or the local neighborhood. They can be social butterflies, depending on the sign. At the very least, they like to travel and meet new people. They can spend a lot of time abroad. They are curious about religion and foreign cultures. These natives can learn various languages. Although they are highly intelligent, they can get bored easily. It can take them away from their studies. They are interested in finding a teacher, guru, or leader they can follow. However, Mars’ aspect can cause conflict. They can become critical and debate with their teachers.

A Combust Mercury can give speech or communication issues. These natives can have difficulty with reading or writing (such as dyslexia). They can be restless and have difficulty concentrating. Education can struggle. Yet, they also have incredible intuition and sharp intelligence. It might not be the average intelligence, but they are extremely perceptive.

15. Swati

Astronomical Name: Arcturus (Alpha Bootis)

Meaning: “The Independent One,” “Very Good,” “The Priest Who Has Learned and Mastered Theology,” or “The Sword of Discrimination.”

Title: The Self-Going Star

Symbol: A Young Plant Shoot Blowing in the Wind, Coral, Butterfly

Planetary Lord: Rahu

Ruling Deity: Vayu (God of Wind/Prana)

Caste: Butcher

Primary Motivation: Artha (Material Sustenance)

Shakti: The Power to Disperse/Scatter Like the Wind or The Power to Transform

Basis Above: Movement in Different Directions

Basis Below: Changing Form

Desire: To Have the Freedom to Move in as I Wish in All the Worlds

Result of the Shakti, Basis, and Desire: Transformation

Padas: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Body Parts: Chest and Intestines

Constitution: Kapha (Earth and Water)

Animal: Male Buffalo

Nature: Chara (Moveable/Changeable)

Gender: Female

Yogic Quality: Tamasic (Darkness/Inertia)

Element: Agni (Fire)

Quality: Deva (God-like)

Trimurthi: Shiva (To Dissolve)

Activity: Passive

Motion: Looking Straight/Looking Forward/Level

Bird: Pigeon

Tree: Queen’s Flower, Arjun

Color: Black

Direction: North

His Sun and Mercury are in Swati (6°40'- 20° Libra). Those born under Swati have a restless and destructive energy within. You can’t see the storm when looking at them from the outside, but this energy needs to be contained. This comes from the ruler Vayu (god of the Wind/Prana). He is motivated, independent, and resourceful. Rahu is the lord of Swati and represents our unfulfilled desires. So, he has a desire for material success. He is restless mentally, emotionally, and physically. He has a desire to keep moving and changing. He is attracted to foreign lands and cultures. The individual’s destiny depends on a major change. He desires comfort, material success, and relationships. He can be successful as a businessman, entrepreneur, or artist. Swati falls entirely in Libra. He needs other people and can feel slightly insecure deep down. At the same time, he is highly independent. This creates an inner conflict. He can lack focus and become agitated. He can start over in even the most harsh environment. He has to go through tough situations in life. However, he becomes more successful the tougher the situation. He can produce something beautiful. Education or gaining a skill is of great importance. He is pushed to create art. He might feel disharmony within, but he’s here to bring harmony to others. He can be talented with technology, sales, media, presenting, journalism, writing, or communication. This can allow him to get to the top of any organization quickly. However, he can get impatient. This can delay progress. He keeps moving from one thing to the next instead of sticking to one area. A career connected to foreign lands might be helpful. He can be good at management, PR, or HR. He can become rebellious, dissatisfied, and unpredictable. This can make him want to challenge and argue with others. He can go around in circles because of impatience. Mercury is conjunct with the Sun, and Swati means “The Sword.” So, he can say cutting things he which he didn’t. He needs other people, but he needs space. This can mean stress can come from relationships. He needs to be physically active to avoid depression. Exploring the countryside, getting fresh air, and walking can help. Having an air purifier in the home or getting fresh air outdoors is important. Yet, they can destabilize the mind if they do this too much. The mind also needs to be stabilized while moving the body. Pranayama is the most helpful yogic practice for Swati.

The Sun in Swati is debilitated. So, he is unsure of himself. He can overcompensate by making it seem like he is sure of himself on the outside. This can make relationships challenging. He is here to fulfill a karmic debt in relationships. He might think he can do everything alone, but he is happier in a partnership. This can include a business or romantic partnership. Being with others stabilizes him.

14. Chitra

Astronomical Name: Spica (Alpha Virginis)

Meaning: “The Bright One,” “The Brilliant One,” or “The Multicolored One,” “Work of Art,” “Pretty Pictures,” or “Beautiful Illusion.”

Title: The Star of Opportunity

Symbol: Pearl/Bright Jewel

Planetary Lord: Mars

Ruling Deity: Tvastar/Vishwakarma (Celestial Architect)

Caste: Farmer/Servant

Primary Motivation: Kama (Material Pleasure)

Shakti: The Power to Accumulate Good Karma or Merit in Life

Basis Above: Law

Basis Below: Truth

Desire: To Have Wonderful Children

Result of the Shakti, Basis, and Desire: Gain Honor in One’s Work

Padas: Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio

Body Parts: Forehead and Neck

Constitution: Pitta (Fire and Water)

Animal: Female Tiger

Nature: Mridu (Soft/Tender/Mild)

Gender: Female

Yogic Quality: Tamasic (Darkness/Inertia)

Element: Agni (Fire)

Quality: Rakshasha (Demon-like)

Trimurthi: Vishnu (To Preserve)

Activity: Active

Motion: Looking Straight/Looking Forward/Level

Bird: Heron

Tree: Golden Apple

Color: Black

Direction: West

Venus and Jupiter are in Chitra (23°20' Virgo- 6°40' Libra). Venus in Chitra makes the individual creative. He can make money through creative pursuits. Chitra is ruled by Twastar (Celestial Architect). So, he can make money through real estate and own numerous properties. He can earn from luxury, beauty, and convenience. In Virgo, it can make them a good divorce lawyer. He can run into ego clashes in relationships. So, he needs to learn to let go of the ego.

Jupiter in Chitra can expand creativity and love for beautiful things. They can be a good lawyer or counselor between two conflicting parties. They can be an architect or gain properties. He can have ego clashes in relationships. The individual needs to use the wisdom of Jupiter to resolve relationship conflicts.

21. Uttara Ashadha

Astronomical Name: Ascella (Sigma Sagittarii), Tau Sagittarii, Phi Sagittarii, and Nunki (Zeta Sagittarii)

Meaning: “Second of the Invincible One,” “The Latter Undefeated,” or “Later Victory.”

Title: The Universal Star

Symbol: Elephant’s Tusk and Plank of a Bed

Planetary Lord: Sun

Ruling Deity: Vishvedevas (Vasu- Goodness, Satya- Truth, Kratu- Willpower, Daksha- Skill, Kala- Time, Kama- Desire, Dhriti- Firmness, Kuru- Ancestors, Pururavas- Brightness, Medravas- Peak of Joy)

Caste: Kshatriya (Warrior)

Primary Motivation: Moksha (Liberation/Self-Realization)

Shakti: The Power to Give an Unstoppable or Permanent Victory

Basis Above: The Strength to Win

Basis Below: The Goal That Can Be Won

Desire: To Gain a Victory That Can Never Be Lost

Result of the Shakti, Basis, and Desire: Becomes the Unchallenged Winner

Padas: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Body Parts: Waist and Thighs

Constitution: Kapha (Earth and Water)

Animal: Male Mongoose

Nature: Dhruva (Fixed/Permanent)

Gender: Female

Yogic Quality: Sattvic (Purity/Balance)

Element: Vayu (Air)

Quality: Manushya (Human-like)

Trimurthi: Shiva (To Dissolve)

Activity: Balanced

Motion: Looking Up/Facing Upwards

Bird: Stork

Tree: Phanus/Jackfruit

Color: Copper

Direction: South

Mars is in Uttara Ashadha (26°40' Sagittarius- 10°00' Capricorn). Mars in Uttara Ashadha makes the individual ambitious and active in their career. They can receive authority and recognition. This is especially true in Capricorn, where Mars is exalted. Success can be delayed. They can work in the government or law. In Capricorn, they can be open to various beliefs or views.

25. Purva Bhadrapada

Astronomical Name: Markab (Alpha Pegasi) and Scheat (Beta Pegasi)

Meaning: “The Former One with Lucky Feet,” “The Beautiful Left Foot,” or “A Ray of Light”

Title: The Scorching Pair

Symbol: Front Legs of a Funeral Cot, Man with Two Faces, Sword, Skull and Crossbones, A Single Ray of Sun

Planetary Lord: Jupiter

Ruling Deity: Aja Ekapada (One-Footed Goat)

Caste: Brahmin (Priest)

Primary Motivation: Artha (Material Prosperity)

Shakti: The Power to Use Spiritual Fire or Raise the Evolutionary Level (to Awaken Spiritual in a Person)

Basis Above: That Which is Good For the People

Basis Below: That Which is Good For the Gods

Desire: To Gain Radiance and the Splendor of Spiritual Knowledge

Result of the Shakti, Basis, and Desire: Support the Entire World

Padas: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer

Body Parts: Ribs, Left Thigh, Soles of the Feet

Constitution: Vata (Air and Space)

Animal: Male Lion

Nature: Ugra (Fierce/Severe)

Gender: Male

Yogic Quality: Sattva (Purity/Balance)

Element: Akash (Ether)

Quality: Manushya (Human-like)

Trimurthi: Brahma (To Create)

Activity: Passive

Motion: Looking Down/Facing Downwards

Bird: Avocet

Tree: Pichanamda, Mango

Color: Silver-Gray

Direction: West

Rahu is in Purva Bhadrapada (20°00' Aquarius- 3°20' Pisces). In Aquarius, Rahu is in its own sign. The individual can have an interest in spiritual pursuits, like meditation. If they follow spiritual pursuits, they will have mystical experiences in life. In Aquarius, they can try to use spirituality to help others. They can want to turn it into a business and profit from it. Rahu represents illusion. So, they can also be con artists in a spiritual field. The symbol of Purva Bhadrapada is a man with two faces. They can experience separation from family or a partner. In some cases, they can get involved in multiple relationships, cheating, or infidelity.

Vedic Name: Mesha (Ram)

Lord: Mangal/Kuja/Bhumi/Kartikeya (Mars)

Moolatrikona (Strongest): Mangal/Kuja/Bhumi/Kartikeya (Mars)

Ucha (Exaltation): Surya/Ravi/Aditya (Sun)

Neecha (Debilitation): Shani or Shanaischaraya (Saturn)

Color: Blood Red

Nakshatras: Ashwini (Padas 1, 2, 3, 4), Bharani (Padas 1, 2, 3, 4), Krittika (Padas 1)

Aditya (Solar Deity): Dhātā

Body Part: Head

Length: Short

Gender: Male

Primary Aim: Dharma (Righteous Deeds/Religion/Duty)

Direction: East

Tattva (Element): Agni (Fire)

Gana: Rajas (Passion)

Movement: Chara (Cardinal or Movable)

Strong in Day or Night: Night

Rising: Back Rising

Number of Feet: Quadruped

Caste: Kshatriya (Warrior)

Saturn in Aries is Neecha (debilitated). These natives were involved with war or danger in a past life. It wasn’t a peaceful experience. So, they feel inner frustration. They are driven, dynamic, and competitive. They are determined to keep moving forward and to be the first. Yet, they keep running into obstacles from competitors and circumstances. When they start something new, there’s a hurdle and another. They are always fighting and on their guard. There’s a fear of defeat due to the past life. They are aware that anything can be taken away at any moment. Still, they will be successful as long as they keep fighting for what they want. Despite Saturn’s debilitation, Aries is ruled by Mars. Mars will not let them be defeated if they don’t give up. To be successful, they have to remain ethical. They should avoid taking shortcuts to defeat enemies. They are motivated and have great entrepreneurial ideas. However, they work best alone. They don’t like taking orders or dealing with authority. They want to be the boss and need independence in their work. Their desire for independence can hurt relationships. They can overcome all obstacles and find innovation in ways no one has thought of. They can be the first to start anything.

1. Ashwini

Astronomical Name: Hamal (Alpha Arietis), Sheratan (Beta Arietis), and Mesarthim (Gamma Arietis)

Meaning: “The Horse Woman,” “Born From a Female Horse,” or “Possessing a Horse”

Title: The Star of Transport

Symbol: Horse’s Head

Planetary Lord: Ketu

Ruling Deity: Ashwini Kumars (Twin Physicians)

Caste: Vaishya (Merchant)

Primary Motivation: Dharma (Righteous Deeds/Religion/Duty)

Shakti: The Power to Reach Things Quickly

Basis Above: Creatures to Be Healed

Basis Below: Healing Therapies

Desire: To Hear Well and Not Be Deaf

Result of the Shakti, Basis, and Desire: World Freed of Disease

Padas: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer

Body Parts: Top of the Feet

Constitution: Vata (Air and Space)

Animal: Male Horse

Nature: Laghu and Kshipra (Light and Swift)

Gender: Male

Yogic Quality: Tamasic (Dark/Inertia)

Element: Prithvi (Earth)

Quality: Deva (God-like)

Trimurthi: Brahma (To Create)

Activity: Passive

Motion: Looking Straight/Looking Forward/Level

Bird: Swan

Tree: Poison Nut Tree

Color: Blood Red

Direction: East

Saturn is in Ashwini (0°00'- 13°20' Aries). Saturn in Ashwini is debilitated. So, it’s a challenging position. These natives get results after delays, hard work, and perseverance. Lifelong efforts are needed in the House it’s positioned in. They can struggle with relationships. Sometimes, it shows long-distance relationships are better. They become naturally hard-working because nothing comes without it. They can go into medicine, law, police, or technology. These natives can be law-breakers. They make great veterinarians. They can take a laid-back approach and don’t like to work in their initial years. Then, they put forth more effort when results don’t come.

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