Vishakha showcases a very different side of Vedic Sidereal Libra (compared to Swati).
In the Swati Nakshatra, there was a battle with the external world. The inner self was struggling with trying to find a balance between having social etiquette and setting healthy boundaries.
Swati was met with the realization that this world is rough and requires effort. Strength and adaptability are needed to thrive and survive. So, Swati understood that it’s okay to be their sweet authentic selves in their private universe.
However, they need thick skin and need to assert themselves more to ensure that others won’t exceed their boundaries. This gave way to a transformation of self and awareness of personal power.
Vishakha comes next. Here is where we get to truly see the power of Libra. These individuals exude power and sex appeal. Just their presence alone can come off as commanding.
We often think of Libra as being a softer sign that needs partnership. It’s true that Libras desire relationships and love having security. They also are very charming and more subtle in personality. However, they are very independent and capable too.
Don’t forget that Libra is a Cardinal sign. All of the Cardinal signs are dynamic and purposeful. They are all about moving towards a particular direction or aim in life. Libra is an Air sign. So, it shows this power through ideas, knowledge, and change.
Venus also influences their very attractive qualities. Along with a love for beauty, enjoyment, and comfort. Sometimes, they even have creative talent. If not, they can have an appreciation for creativity.
Another name for Vishakha is Radha (Goddess of True Love and Devotion). She is known for falling in love with Krishna (god of compassion, protection, and love). This already tells us so much about the nature of this Nakshatra.
Vishakha is very loving and supportive. They tend to be family-oriented and affectionate. Sometimes, they go through difficult situations at a young age. Leading them to want to gain security and make sure that no one has to go without it. These individuals have relentless passion and determination.
Vishakha is called The Star of Purpose and these people feel that they need tremendous purpose in life. Otherwise, their energy can be wasted in overindulgence. That is because their need for security makes them pleasure-seekers. It isn’t shocking for them to put on weight or fall into an obsession sometimes.
Vishakha is a Jupiter Nakshatra and this is a very expansive planet. These individuals are unstoppable from expanding an empire to spreading themselves thin. They have to focus on their true passion in life. Vishakha is sometimes referred to as being forked or branched. One of the symbols is also a forked branch. This shows that there is no limit to what they can achieve.
The Shakti is Vyapana (Power to Achieve Many and Various Fruits in Life). The Result of the Shakti is The Fruit of the Harvest. It’s important to consider that part of this Nakshatra falls in Scorpio and 3/4 of it falls in Libra. Libra is ruled by Venus and Scorpio is ruled by Mars. Anytime you put Mars and Venus together, you get a lot of passion. Venus is the desire and Mars asserts force onto Venus to act on that desire. Along with this, Jupiter is expanding these qualities.
This is why we can see intense excess in desires. Vishakha has to seek moderation (balance) in life. Interestingly, Vishakha is also referred to as a “poisoned vessel”. Meaning that lustful poison can spill out when allowing their desires to control them.
Vishakha can also be very creative and imaginative similar to Swati. One of the symbols of Vishakha is a potter’s wheel. This shows their ability to create something magnificent. Sometimes Radha is also called “The Delightful One”. Showing the loving and devotional qualities of Vishakha. Yet, it also describes the incredible accomplishments that they can achieve.
Another symbol is the Triumphal Arch or a decorated gateway. This symbolizes the beginning of a new journey. The gateway is an invitation to take up a new commitment. With everything that Vishakha pursues comes new responsibilities.
While they tend to have a single-minded focus, another brilliant pursuit can emerge unexpectedly. It’s important for them to not get scattered and to remain focused on the present. This is because they are never truly satisfied. One accomplishment leads to the next ambition and the next.
The ruler of Vishakha is Indra-Agni. This is a combination of two deities. Indra is the king and ruler of thunder. Agni is the ruler of fire. This is why Vishakha tends to also be referred to as “burning with fiery passion”. They are very strong and easily excited individuals. Sometimes they can even express themselves in extreme ways.
These people make excellent leaders and are hardworking. However, their expansive nature can get the best of them. On the lower side, they can become arrogant, ruthless, controlling, dogmatic, and ego-centric. The need to achieve can blind them from considering the feelings of others. Their sexual type is a male tiger. This also represents their dominant and wild nature.
Vishakha is also extremely intelligent and optimistic. Similar to Swati. However, Swati was more focused on mystical and unusual subjects. That was due to the exotic planet of Rahu. Vishakha seems to also study spiritual and deep topics. Venus is the planet of hidden knowledge.
Jupiter is also still a spiritual planet. However, Vishakha leans more towards religion and high moral beliefs. Whereas Swati was against being controlled and was less likely to want to go with the conventional ways of the world.
The Libra side of this asterism is slightly different from the Scorpio side. On the Scorpio side, there's a focus on power and leadership. Many political leaders and those in positions of authority can be seen. Whereas, Libra seems to show beloved celebrities, artisans, and entrepreneurs.
Vishakha on the Libra side has strong diplomatic skills due to their charm and charisma. However, the Scorpio side can land themselves in more conflict when trying to negotiate. I’ve also noticed that the Scorpio side is more sentimental and easily roused.
Marriage is another common issue for Vishakha. Their extreme devotion means that they tend to lose themselves. However, these individuals can become upset and exhausted by this. They wonder when they will get the same loyalty in return. The Vishakha women can also struggle because of their more dominant qualities.
Vin Diesel- Vishakha Ascendant and Neptune + Chitra Mars and Swati Ketu Conjunct Ascendant
Lana Del Rey- Vishakha Ascendant, Saturn, Ketu + Swati Pluto Conjunct Ascendant
Prince- Vishakha Ascendant + Swati Rahu and Neptune Conjunct Ascendant
Scarlett Johansson- Vishakha Moon and Saturn
Jim Carrey- Vishakha Ascendant + Swati Neptune Conjunct Ascendant
Beyonce- Vishakha Moon
Katy Perry- Vishakha Moon & Saturn Conjunct Ascendant