How is everyone feeling with Mars in Retrograde?
Mars will be in Retrograde from now until mid-January 2023.
Mars is currently in Gemini.
Mars sees Mercury as an enemy. He's an army chief and Mercury is a curious young prince. Mars doesn't appreciate this childlike quality.
So, Mars in Gemini causes problems. In particular, it can bring explosive energies. It can lead to nervous energy, abrupt decisions, and uncomfortable confrontations. There's a mental frustration with this position.
On the other hand, Mars likes to get the job done. Gemini is skilled at connecting with people, learning new subjects, being diplomatic, making friends, and doing business.
So, this can be good for business opportunities depending on how it's positioned natally. However, it takes faith. This is because Mars is making efforts happen slower than usual.
On November 13, Mars dips back into Taurus. Mars in Taurus is like a raging bull. It gives a lot of strength and stamina. There can also be material and romantic distractions. However, nothing can stop this force when the energy is focused.
Mars in Taurus again brings confrontation. Taurus rules the throat. So, not-so-pleasant words can be thrown around. It's also a time to watch for impulsive spending and eating.
Taurus loves to have comfort, security, and consistency. So, the energies will be focused on being social and relaxing. It's good to watch for any procrastination or distractions.
This Retrograde will all be happening in the Mrigashira Nakshatra.
Mrigashira (The Benevolent One)
-The Star of Searching
23°20' Taurus- 6°40' Gemini
Symbol: A Deer Head
Desire: To Gain Lordship Over Plants
Power: To Give Joy and Fulfillment
Result: To Make the World An Enjoyable Place
This a time to review the direction you're energy is going into. Is it fulfilling or does your focus need to change?
Mercury and Venus were a part of the Solar Eclipse in Swati. So, this is a significant turning point. With Saturn nearing the end of his transit in Capricorn, it's a time of finalizing many areas of life. Mars is on board with this journey.
Possible Areas of Focus
Aries- courage, initiative, siblings, health, competition, work life, travel, education, father, mentors, philosophy, success, reputation, communication
Taurus- money, food, speech, family, values, speculation, gambling, children, romance, creativity, education, scripture, mantras, secrets, scandals, inlaws, taxes, accidents, inheritance, joint finances, mystical subjects, transformation, philosophy, travel, mentors, father, higher studies
Gemini- body, health, vitality, identity, decisions, personality, life direction, mother, property, vehicles, happiness, inner peace, nourishment, business, partnership, spouse, marriage, negotiations, legal matters, inlaws, joint finances, secrets, scandals, taxes, inheritance, transformation, mystical subjects
Cancer- sleep, prisons, hospitals, foreign travel, spirituality, siblings, courage, initiative, communication, pets, health, work life, competition, medication, diet, spouse, debts, business, partnerships, marriage, negotiation
Leo- wealth, networking, organization, siblings, hopes & wishes, food, finances, family, speech, creativity, children, education, speculation, gambling, romance, scriptures, mantras, health, competition, work-life, pets, debts, diet, medication
Virgo- career, reputation, authority, father, government, legacy, responsibilities, body, health, vitality, identity, personality, life direction, mother, property, vehicles, happiness, inner peace, nourishment, children, creativity, education, speculation, gambling, romance, scriptures, mantras
Libra- father, mentors, travel, education, philosophy, future, sleep, prisons, hospitals, spirituality, foreign travel, siblings, courage, initiative, communication, mother, property, vehicles, happiness, inner peace, nourishment
Scorpio- secrets, scandals, taxes, inlaws, research, mystical subjects, transformation, joint finances, inheritance, wealth, networking, organizations, hopes & wishes, expenses, sleep, prisons, hospitals, spirituality, foreign travel
Sagittarius- spouse, business, partnership, marriage, negotiation, career, reputation, authority, government, father, responsibilities, body, health, vitality, identity, personality, decisions, life direction, food, finances, family, speech, values
Capricorn- health, competition, medication, diet, work-life, father, mentors, travel, education, philosophy, future, sleep, spirituality, hospitals, prisons, foreign travel, body, health, vitality, identity, personality, decisions, life direction
Aquarius- children, creativity, education, mantras, scriptures, speculation, gambling, secrets, scandals, inlaws, joint finances, taxes, inheritance, transformation, research, mystical subjects, wealth, networking, organizations, hopes & wishes, sleep, spirituality, prisons, hospitals, expenses, foreign travel
Pisces- mother, property, vehicles, happiness, inner peace, nourishment, spouse, business, partnerships, negotiation, marriage, legal matters, career, reputation, authority, father, responsibilities, government, wealth, networking, organizations, hopes & wishes